small business

15 Instagram Story Ideas for Small Businesses

Instagram Stories are a must-have for all small business owners on Instagram for a number of reasons. They're engaging, increase your reach, can act as a form of market research, and so much more - but it can be easy to struggle for story content ideas. If you're short on ideas, grab some paper and a pen, and continue reading!

small business, Sustainability

Earth Day Giveaway

April 22nd is Earth Day, and so I thought I'd write a little blog post about what Earth Day is, why it's important, and plug a little mention of my Earth Day-inspired Giveaway I'm hosting over on my Instagram account! So, what is Earth Day exactly?Earth Day marks the anniversary of the beginning of the… Continue reading Earth Day Giveaway


Small Business x Sustainability Study

April is Earth Month and I have decided to focus much of my content on sustainability and the environment. I thought it would be interesting to carry out a "study" of sorts, by speaking to other small businesses and to customers to hear their thoughts on small businesses and sustainability , so this post is your insight into what I found out.


How I Make My Small Business Sustainable

When I was in the planning stages of my business, I wanted to ensure my small business was as sustainable as I could manage, and it's something I am constantly evaluating almost a year later. As there is no solid definition of sustainability, it can be difficult to judge how sustainable you are, or what is right or wrong, which is why I wanted to share how I personally take action with my own business based on what works for me at the moment. So, how do I make my small business sustainable?

small business

Starting My YouTube Channel

I've always wanted to have a YouTube channel since back in the early 2010 days...but I always put it off as I figured I'd be too shy to talk in front of a camera, and that I wouldn't have anything to talk about. Now, I'm finding myself chatting on my Instagram stories and it's something I do really enjoy doing, so I decided to finally set up a YouTube channel and just go for it!

small business, Sustainability

Earth Month | Save the Turtles Tote Bag

April is Earth Month, and so I thought I'd celebrate by making a brand new tote bag design on a new tote colour too! AND £1 from every purchase of this tote bag will be donated to the Marine Conservation Society; the UK’s leading charity for the protection of our seas, shores and wildlife.